Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Assembling the first tower
Micromodels are miniature card models from England.  They go back many years, in fact all the way back to the 1930's.  Mr. Geoffrey Heighway was the chief designer of small card models while employed at a company named Modelcarft Ltd.  He left that company in 1947 to form his own company, naming it Micromodels.
For nine years, Geoffrey produced many different types of Micromodels among them such models as Shakespear's Globe Theatre, The U.S. Capitol Building, The Cutty Sark, Wright Bros and Bieriot aeroplanes plus many more different types including several train engines.  Each model was printed on card stock similar to the thickness of an average business card.  Each model contained several cards approximately 3 x 5 inches wrapped in a paper wrapper.  On each card, small sketches gave hints and details of some of the assemblies.  On the outside wrapper was a in most cases a colored drawing of the model it was to make; on the inside was a little history and more modeling tips on how to make certain parts.
With Geoffrey's death, the company disappeared and although there were hundreds of his model available around the World, sources begin to dry up quickly.
I purchased my first Micromodels in the early 1960's from a hobby shop Called "Models" here in the Detroit Suburbs.  I had about ten or twelve different un-built models before I lost them when our basement was flooded many years ago.  Most of my entire stock of card models was also lost.
In recent years, an American Company has begun producing Micromodels.  Some are new designs while others are reproductions of the original models by Geoffery.  Just recently, they have started selling originals.
Please check them them out at:
The completed model
This brings me to todays subject.  An Architectual Model of London's East Gate "The Aldgate".  I came across this kit at a paper show I attended in one of the local malls. The wrapper was mostly missing having only a bit left.  With the aid of my computer and scanning equipment, I was able to enlarge the model by approximately 10%   Still very small, the larger size has made it a lot easier for these tired seventy years plus years eyes to see and work on.
Assembling the model is straight forward with simple towers, square and rectangle buildings. The post leading up to the gates entrance came from a small section of a straw broom. Each post measuring 1/4 inch and glued into the base. The base of the model is 4 inches by 1 7/8 inches. Height 2 1/4 inches.  I don't know if all the sheets were included in the this kit as I was left with an extra roof piece and short one crown for one of the roofs.  No reference was available due to the missing wrapper.  From a picture I found, there appears to be no roof on the Gate itself.  So I assume this extra roof was included in case one chose to build it that way.
I plan on ordering some Micromodels from the new Web Site in the near future.